Gem Mountain Gemstone Mine

Find treasures that last a lifetime, with an experience to match!

Gem Mountain, Spruce Pine, NC gem harvesting
Gem Mountain Gemstone Mine

Find treasures that last a lifetime, with an experience to match!

Flume Mining

All the action takes place at the flume line! Enjoy the exciting atmosphere of discovery as you find colorful, beautiful, and valuable gemstones!
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Mine Trips

One of our most popular attractions! Join us in digging for your own gems at our secluded mine! On our four-hour mine trips, whatever you find, you keep!
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Jewelry Making

Create your own piece of forever with the gemstones you find on the flume line or at the mine! We can create anything imaginable; if you can draw it, we can make it!
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General Store

Stroll through our extensive general store and shop lots of amazing gifts including apparel, toys, home decor, a year-round Christmas store, candies, and 16 flavors of homemade ice cream!
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Connect With Us

We love designing custom pieces with your ideas. Let us bring your dream to life. This custom piece went to its home in Virginia this week🩵

Our mountain communities have been profoundly impacted by the effects of Hurricane Helene. Internet and cellular services are still currently unavailable/spotty, and many of our roads and bridges have been severely damaged. As a result, we will remain closed indefinitely until essential services are restored. We kindly ask for your patience as we work to respond to emails, phone calls, and messages during this challenging time. We are diligently working on orders and mailing them out as they are ready. Your thoughts and prayers for our community’s recovery and rebuilding efforts are greatly appreciated.